Professor Nancy Kwan MAN Profile

Professor Nancy Kwan MAN 萬鈞

Professor Nancy Kwan MAN

Director of the Clinical and Translational Research Laboratory
Director, Laboratory for Liver Transplantation and Liver Cancer
Deputy Director, Laboratory for Organ Transplantation and Regeneration
Chairperson, Departmental Research Postgraduate Student Committee
Chairperson, Departmental Research Committee

  • MBBS, MS, PhD
phone (852) 3917 9646
Research interests

  • Liver transplantation – graft injury and cancer recurrence
  • Inflammation, immunology and cancer
  • Molecular imaging in cancer research and liver graft injury
  • Development of pharmaceutical treatments for liver cancer metastasis and recurrence
  • Development of small animal models for liver transplantation and liver cancer
  • Application of robotic surgery and new biomaterials in cancer research
  • Prospective clinical studies of liver surgery and hepatocellular carcinoma
Selected publications

(*Corresponding author)

  • “2013-2017 Top 1% Scholars at HKU according to ISI’s Essential Science Indicators”
  • Total original articles: 137 with > 8200 citations (H index: 49), 3 articles in F1000
  1. Liu XB, Lo CM, Cheng Q, Ng KTP, Shan Y, Li CX, Chung SK, Ng Irene, Yu J, Man K*. Oval cells contribute to fibrogenesis of marginal liver grafts under stepwise regulation of aldose reductase and notch signaling. Theranostics. 2017; 7(19): 4879–4893

  2. Liu H, Lo CM, Yeung OWH, Li CX, Liu XB, Qi X, Ng KTP, Liu J, Ma YY, Lam YF, Lian QZ, Chan SZ, Man K*. NLRP inflammasome induced liver graft injury through activation of telomere-independent RAP1/KC axis. Journal of Pathology 2017 Apr 5. doi: 10.1002/path.4901

  3. Li CX, Ling CC, Shao Y, Xu A, Li XC, Ng KT, Liu XB, Ma YY, Qi X, Liu H, Liu J, Yeung OW, Yang XX, Liu QS, Lam YF, Zhai Y, Lo CM, Man K*. CXCL10/CXCR3 signaling mobilized-regulatory T cells promote liver tumor recurrence after transplantation Journal of Hepatology. 2016 May 28. (Rising Star Award in ILTS 2016)

  4. Yeung OW, Lo CM, Ling CC, Qi X, Geng W, Li CX, Ng KT, Forbes SJ, Guan XY, Poon RT, Fan ST, Man K*. Alternatively activated (M2) macrophages promote tumour growth and invasiveness in hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Hepatology. 2015 Mar;62(3):607-16.

  5. Ling CC, Ng Kevin TP, Shao Y, Geng W, Xiao JW, Liu XB, Ma YY, Yeung WH, Wong Nathalie, Zhai Y, Chan SC, Poon RTP, Lo CM, Man K*. Post-transplant endothelial progenitor cell mobilization via CXCL10/CXCR3 signaling promotes liver tumor growth. Journal of Hepatology 2014 Jan;60(1):103-9.

  6. Li CX, Ng KT, Shao Y, Liu XB, Ling CC, Ma YY, Geng W, Qi X, Cheng Q, Chung SK, Lo CM, Man K*. The inhibition of aldose reductase attenuates hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury through reducing inflammatory response. Annals of Surgery. 2014 Aug; 260(2):317-28. (Rising Star Award in ILTS 2011)

  7. Man K*, Shih KC, Ng KT, Xiao JW, Guo DY, Sun CK, Lim ZX, Cheng Q, Liu Y, Fan ST, Lo CM. Molecular signature linked to acute phase injury and tumor invasiveness in small-for-size liver grafts. Annals of Surgery 2010 June; 251 (6): 1154-61.

  8. Man K* Ng KT, Xu A, Cheng Q, Lo CM, Xiao JW, Sun BS, Lim ZX, Cheung JS, Wu EX, Sun CK, Poon RT, Fan ST. Suppression of liver tumor growth and metastasis by adiponectin in nude mice through inhibition of tumor angiogenesis and down-regulation of ROCK/IP10/MMP9 signaling. Clinical Cancer Research. 2010 Feb 1;16(3):967-77.

Selective awards and honors
  1. “Rising Star Awards of International Liver Transplantation Society (ILTS)” Mentee: 2006; Mentor: 2007, 2010, 2011 & 2016
  2. “American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) Scholar in Training Award” 2008
  3. “The Transplantation Society (TTS) International Basic Science Mentee/Mentor Award”: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016
  4. “First Class Award of 2013 Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award” from Ministry of Education
  5. “First Class Award for of Chinese Medical Association” (CAE): 2014
External research grants records

As PI: 8 RGC/GRFs, 1 ITF (Innovative Technology Funding), 4 HMRFs (Health and Medical Research Funding), 1 NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China) and 2 industrial collaborative grants As Co-PI: 7 RGC/CRFs, 1HMRF and 1 Major Collaborative Project of NSFC

Postgraduate student supervisions (as primary supervisor)

Graduated: 9 PhD students
Current: 4 PhD students

Deputy Editor (Basic Science) of “Transplantation” since 2015
Editorial Board of “Current Gene Therapy” since 2014
Editor-in-Chief of “Tribune” – the newsletter of TTS since 2013
Associate Editor of “Liver Transplantation” 2011-2015
Regional Associate Editor of “Transplantation” 2012-2014

International Academic Society Leaderships
ILTS Congress Program Chair 2018
ILTS President-Elect 2017-2018
Councilor of ILTS 2015-2017
Member of Publication Committee of ILTS 2015-2017
Member of Transplant Science Committee of TTS since 2014
Founder member of Women Leaders in Transplantation of TTS since 2009
Key Opinion Leader of TTS since 2007
Member of Education Committee of ILTS 2012-2015
Member of Basic Science Committee of ILTS 2009-2015
Chair of Scholarship Committee of ILTS 2008–2015

Local Professional Society Leaderships
President of Hong Kong Scientist Association (HKSA) Since 2017
Councilor of Hong Kong Society of Immunology (HKSI) Since 2016


Dr. Nancy K MAN is currently a Professor of Department of Surgery, LKS Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong. Her main research focus is in the area of liver graft injury and cancer recurrence after transplantation utilizing an integrated basic, clinical and translational approach. She has developed a series of novel animal models to mimic liver graft injury and cancer recurrence. She is the first to establish a rat orthotopic liver transplantation model using small-for-size graft in Hong Kong. These models have been extensively introduced into the investigation of liver transplantation. For example, the correlation between transient portal hypertension resulted from excessive portal flow and hepatic sinusoidal damage of small-for-size liver graft was first revealed in animal model she established and the finding was subsequently validated in a series of her clinical studies. The further studies for the mechanism of graft injury and novel treatments were also conducted in animal models she established. She is first to report the significance of small-for-size liver graft injury on tumor recurrence after transplantation in the world and further to explore the molecular mechanisms of inflammatory response in acute phase and tumor invasiveness in late phase. In parallel, she has focused on the molecular mechanisms involved inflammation and cancer progression, together with the development of novel therapies for cancer metastasis. In addition, she has also established the research platform for in vivo small animal imaging modalities, which are widely applied in various research fields in the Faculty and beyond.

Prof Man is currently the Deputy Editor (Basic Science) of Transplantation. She is the President-elect of International Liver Transplantation Society (ILTS) and Program Chair of ILTS2018, and the member of the Basic Science Committee of The Transplantation Society (TTS). She is also the Founder member of Women Leaders in Transplantation (WLIL), International Mentor of WLIL and a Key Opinion Leader of TTS. She was the Chairperson of ILTS Scholarship Committee, member of ILTS Education Committee, Basic Science Committee and Publication Committee of ILTS. Being the President of Hong Kong Scientist Association (HKSA), Professor Man plays critical role for the promotion of collaborations among the scientists in HK, Macau, Taiwan and Mainland of China. She is a visionary leader with extensive experience in the management of international, regional and local academic society and research collaborations. Prof Man has successfully established a series of multidisciplinary research platforms under the collaborations with the experts in the fields of hepatology, cancer biology, stem cell, immunology, radiology, molecular imaging, biomaterials, bioengineering and bioinformatics.

She has published more than 130 original articles in international journals including Annals of Surgery, Transplantation, Liver Transplantation, Clinical Cancer Research, Cancer Research, Journal of Hepatology, Hepatology, Gastroenterology, Nature Medicine & New England Journal of Medicine etc with H index 49 (total citation 8183). She is one of the Top 1% Scholars at HKU according to ISI’s Essential Science Indicators since 2013. She and her research team have obtained more than 50 international awards including numerous “Rising Star Awards”, “Young Investigator Awards” in annual congress of ILTS, and “Mentee-Mentor Basic Science Awards”, “Young Investigator Awards” In TTS meetings over the past 12 years. She has also got the “First Class Award of 2013 Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award from Ministry of Education (MOE)” and “First Class Award for Science and Technology of Chinese Medical Association (CAE) 2014“.


萬鈞教授現任香港大學外科學系臨床與轉化實驗室主任,器官移植與再生實驗室副主任,肝移植與肝癌實驗室主任。主要從事肝臟移植損傷,肝癌及其肝移植後腫瘤復發的臨床,轉化和基礎研究,是這一領域的傑出專家。並在動物模型的開發和建立、影相學於腫瘤研究的應用以及分子生物學等方面有相當豐富的經驗。研究成果處於相關領域的國際領先水平,並在多家國際知名期刊上發表了超過130篇論文,其中包括:Hepatology, Gastroenterology, Annals of Surgery, Liver Transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation, Clinical Cancer Research and Cancer Research等。引用次數超過8183次 (H index 49)。自2013年起連續五年被評為港大最高(1%)引用率學者。

萬鈞教授先後擔任多個國際知名期刊的編委和審稿工作,包括目前任移植雜誌(Transplantation )的 Deputy Editor。此外,萬鈞教授是國際肝臟移植學會(ILTS)候任主席及國際肝臟移植學會2018年會的大會主席,國際移植學會(TTS)女性創會會員及國際導師,國際移植學會移植科學委員會委員。曾任國際肝臟移植學會獎學金委員會主席,國際肝臟移植學會教育委員會委員和基礎研究委員會委員。萬鈞教授曾經是台灣高雄長庚醫院的榮譽副教授(2010),目前也是浙江大學,南京醫科大學和浙江省人民醫院的榮譽教授。作為香港科協主席,萬鈞教授在推動兩岸四地的科研學術交流與合作中也不遺餘力。她在國際學術團體,地區間合作項目以及港大科研團隊都有相當豐富的領導與管理經驗, 通過與來自不同領域專家的精誠合作,萬鈞教授成功建立了一系多學科綜合研究平台,也開展了香港大學與國際及國內的實質性合作。

同時,萬鈞教授帶領的研究團隊具有優秀的團隊合作精神,她帶領的移植研究團隊是亞洲最成功的團隊之一。近12年來在肝臟移植,肝癌和肝炎的研究領域獲得超發過50項國際大獎。包括國際肝臟移植協會的多項“青年學者獎” 和“明日之星獎”;國際移植協會頒發的“青年學者獎”和“學員和導師獎” ;美國癌症研究學會授予的“研究學者獎” 。萬鈞教授也是中國教育部2013年高等教育科技成果一等獎和2014年中華醫學會科技進步一等獎獲得者。

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