Surgical Skills Centre
Contact Information
Address: | Room 1006, 10/F., Laboratory Block, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, 21 Sassoon Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong SAR, China |
Telephone: | (852) 3917 9691 |
Fax: | (852) 2818 9249 |
Email: | |
Clinical Skills Development
One of the fundamental factors in providing excellent patient care is the possession of good technical skills by the medical personnel. Practical skills are still largely acquired on an apprenticeship basis through assisting experienced surgeons and through practising on patients. These practical skills are acquired in the wards or in the operating theatre in an ad hoc manner, usually in emergency and stressful situations, and inevitably, errors are perpetrated on patients in the learning process. Furthermore, changes in health care, with shorter in-patient stays, mean that required skills are becoming progressively more difficult to learn and to teach in the traditional way. Training has often been fragmentary and episodic.
One way of providing clinical skills training in a controlled environment, where practice and assessment can take place, is in a clinical skills laboratory. Doctors and nurses can develop and improve their clinical skills by participating in workshops that combine the use of animal organs, training mannequins, computer-aided learning programmes and videotapes. The proficiency of doctors and nurses can be evaluated and subsequently confirmed in the clinical setting.

Programmes and Services
Since November 1996, the Centre had organised more than 500 training courses and live demonstrations for doctors, nurses and pre-hospital personnel from Hong Kong and overseas.Training courses offered at the Centre on a regular basis are:
- Advanced Burn Life Support Instructors Course
- Advanced Burn Life Support Providers Course
- Advanced Course in Laparoscopy for Theatre Nurses
- Advanced Course in Surgery
- Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Course
- Advanced Medical Life Support Provider Course
- Advanced Surgical Skills Course
- Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses Instructor Course
- Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses Provider Course
- Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructors Course
- Advanced Trauma Life Support Student Course
- Basic Endoscopic Surgery Course
- Basic Surgical Skills Course
- Basic Surgical Skills Workshop for Surgical Interns
- Basic Theatre Technique for Theatre Nurses Course
- Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient Course
- Definitive Surgical Trauma Care Course
- Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support Instructors Course
- Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support Providers Course
- Workshop on Basic Laparoscopy for Theatre Nurses